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Organizational storytelling for the climate community.

I tell stories for, by and about the climate community, Here's what I know.

Stories make connections.

Conversations, convenings, short-term collaborations, multi-year grants -- they all start with a story. And no matter how compelling your data or how logical your logic model, if you want people to care about your story, you need to tell it well.

Let me help you tell yours.

I partner with climate organizations to tell their stories and the stories of the global community working for a safe future climate. I'm tuned in to the clean energy transition, with essential background under my belt. I speak NGO and can translate it into accessible, compelling language for funders and the public.

With an ear for language and an eye for detail, I'm a steady hand to help you with:

impact stories

organizational profiles


funder education

explainer decks

blog posts

concept notes

speaker support

strategy documents

diligence and vetting

    and even copy editing (I love copy editing).    

Get in touch.

Valerie Hamilton